Managed Detection & Response
Baltimore-Washington Metro Area

A Managed Detection & Response (MDR) solutions is less costly and more responsive then traditional SIEM solutions. See why businesses in the Baltimore/Washington area are choosing to move to an MDR solution.

Managed Detection & Response Is Becoming Increasingly Important

As the number and sophistication of cyber threats continue to grow, organizations struggle to handle all aspects of their cybersecurity. As the decision-maker in your organization, controlling your company’s vulnerability is a top priority. After all, you want to forestall cybersecurity attacks before they happen. Fortunately, Advantage Industries is ready to help you manage security incidences and monitor your IT infrastructure around the clock to prevent potential attacks.

What Is Managed Detection & Response Services?

What happens when a threat successfully bypasses your security controls? Managed Detection & Response (MDR) service by Advantage Industries protects your organization’s data and assets, even when a threat moves past your security controls. With this service, you ensure the 24/7 monitoring of your organization’s cybersecurity environment. Managed detection and response support continuous analytics, intelligent handling, and human and automated incidence response.
In its best form, MDR services detect threats and respond to incidents in real-time. By managing incidences in real-time, you can prevent threats from gaining access to your assets. The detection can be applied to any location, including but not limited to computers, mobile devices, websites, and any other devices that connect your organization to the internet.
MDR combines technology and human intelligence to create a formidable force against security threats. The MDR team collects actionable intelligence, identifies security threats, and responds to those that are potential issues for your organization. Some of the components of MDR are:
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
  • Endpoint detection and response
  • Network detection and response
  • User and behavioral analytics
  • Threat hunting and intelligence

Why Should You Use MDR Services?

What Are The Benefits of Working With Advantage Industries MDR Services?

MDR services from Advantage Industries is an outsourced solution that offers tremendous benefits for your organization.

What’s Your Next Step?

When implementing Managed IT services, you and your team are free to shift back and focus only on your clients. Advantage Industries will take the reins and concentrate on your systems and infrastructure. From that point forward, you no longer need to scramble and search for answers. Our team will intercept and solve the technical issue quickly.

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Keith Heilveil

In 1999 Advantage Industries was created to protect and promote our client’s success through the use of innovative technology. Our company is a full services technology firm that provides computer network support and solutions, managed services, cybersecurity, and custom application development for small and medium businesses in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas.

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Tim Happel

Tim Happel

Sr. Director of Sales, PMP

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